Committee Representatives
The Officers appointed at the AGM held 8 May 2008 at West End Working mens Club were as follows:
Nominated and elected as follows:
Chairman - Frank Wood;
Hon Secretary - Barry Lewis;
Hon Treasurer and also Assistant Secretary - John Wakelam;
Tournament Secretary - Robert Parker for time being
Publicity Officer -Paul Walters.
Records Secretary - Paul Walters
Other posts filled were:-
Wolverhampton League Captains -
A Team - Frank Wood
B Team - Peter Broomhall
C Team - Gordan Sands
Birmingham League Captains -
A Team - Peter I Thompson; B Team - Barry Lewis
Dudley League Captain - Richard Dawson
Cannock League Captain - Claudio di Tomaso
Pittaway Cup Captain - Mike Townsend
Webmaster - Paul Walters
Proposal passed : Club subscriptions remain unchanged so for 2007/8 i.e. £35 for full members and £23 for juniors, unemployed, and pensioners but with a reduction to £30 (full members) and £20 ( juniors, unemployed, and pensioners) where payment is received by 31st September 2008.
Also a change; new members get 50% discounted subs.
Trophies awarded and presented :
W.N.Boydon Trophy :- Jointly awarded to Paul Walters and Frank Wood for scoring 7.5 points each and achieving most points in the Wolverhampton League.
The Millennium Cup : - Awarded to Paul Walters for achieving the best percentage (66%)in matches played for the club in all leagues.
The Bert Priest Trophy :- Awarded to Paul Walters mainly for running the chess club's website; for maintaining and continually developing the website. Lot of efforts, and, done most to contribute and improve the club. Also for newsletters and working out club stats and so on.
Merit Cup : - Awarded to Robert Parker for playing the most games for the club last season. (25 games)
Trophies for Club Blitz Championship
Robert Parker 1st place
Bob Khoshnevis 2nd place