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WDCL League Lightning Tournament at Wolverhampton Chess Club.

Thurs 24 April 2008 7.15pm onwards.

Pittaway Cup

Rock Cup and Bidgood Cup





Wolverhampton Chess Club Ladder Competition Tourna

Wolverhampton Chess Club Ladder has been created and organized as of 24 July 2008. This new Ladder Tournament shall represent a welcome addition to the club's activities.
The Ladder tournament competition shall be beneficial to our club by providing an extra dimension to chess play for those who want to enjoy the social part of chess and are more interested in the pleasure aspect and don't necessarily have the time to commit for club matches. 
The Ladder's main purpose is to put an extra element of fun into chess competition. Open to all but perhaps more suited for people who'd rather play chess for fun as opposed to playing longer league games under stringent match conditions: but active club members will also enjoy this ladder.
Also, more social players may desire a chess competition in which they have more time to choose the time and date of the matches without it being subjected to the rules and deadlines of league matches. 
Therefore, the Wolverhampton Chess club ladder is a nice addition to the club's activities but is mainly run by Chess social players rather than strict Chess fanatics. The other thing that makes this Ladder attractive is that games can be played on any day of the week and isn't just restricted to club night's, plus, this gives the players more opportunity to play Ladder games on a more convenient timescale. 
If you are interested in this sort of social chess then perhaps you could come visit Wolverhampton Chess Club on a club night to find out more. Or email our webmaster so he can pass on your details to our Tournament officer for more information.
The new Wolverhampton Chess Club ladder will be a very friendly and relaxed competition that we hope everyone will enjoy.


Wolverhampton Chess Club Ladder Rules

Wolverhampton Chess Club LADDER RULES
(1) You can only challenge people up to 3 steps above yourself. 

(2) If you challenge somebody and win, you take their position and everybody in between your old position and your new one moves down one. 

(3) If you challenge somebody and draw, then you take a place immediately behind them if you have a higher grade than them. Or down one ladder place if you have a higher grade than than your opponent and the lower grade will move up one place for drawing

(4) If somebody challenges you, you must play within 3 weeks. If you cannot play you must concede. 

(5) If somebody challenges you and you have already scheduled another match you may refuse the challenge.

(6) New people joining the ladder, they shall be added to the bottom (unless they have a known grade and should be placed on the ladder according to their grade strength). 

(7) Toss a coin to decide who will play white/black. 

(8) If you are more than 30 minutes late for a scheduled match, the person waiting has the option to declare a forfeit. 

(9) Clock times are by mutual agreement.

(10) This tournament ends on 15th April 2009.


Rules updated 23/08/08 and may be subject to further amendment and refinement.

Webmaster: Email Paul Walters
Last Update August 23, 2008 18:44