Wolverhampton WDCL (Div.1) 153

20 Oct 2011

Wolverhampton faced one of it's sternest tests of the season against a West Bromwich team who, even without their IM on board 1, outgraded the home team by an average of 20 points per board.  For a long time all matches remained level, with Peter Pearson-Jones agreeing a draw with opposite coloured bishops, but slowly the difference in strength began to tell.  Phil Porter succumbed to an incisive attack by a queen an knight combination, while Dave Wightman miscalculated an exchange sequence to lose a bishop and resigned shortly afterwards.  Mike Townsend went a pawn down, but hung on doggedly whereas Frank Wood went one and then two pieces up.  Gordon Sands agreed a draw, also with opposite coloured bishops, but then Frank unfortunately lost on time and Mike finally succumbed to the inevitable as the white passed pawns began to advance while his own were being held up.  Congratulations to West Bromwich and good luck for the rest of the campaign.


Writeup courtesy of Dave Wightman:

e Match cards Div 1 full scores